Sailing Division

The SYC Sailing Division has racing in a Friday night summer series, a Saturday summer series and a winter series. Any trailer sailboats, multihull or keelers are encouraged to join in these activities.



Sailing Calendar

2024 Winter series (Sunday):

12 May

2 June

16 June

30 June

14 July

28 July

11 August

25 August

Start time is 11am with the exception of 2 June which is midday due to the tides

Updates also available on Facebook

Results, photos and other race updates will also be posted on the Sandspit Yacht Club Sailing Division Facebook page.


The sailing division also has an active group of cruisers. Contact the SYC office if you want more information. Also contact the office for race courses, race fees and other information regarding sailing at SYC.

yacht club
sailing club auckland
sailing club sandspit


09 425 9008